Tuesday, 3 May 2011

No.8 Wim Baars relieved as Canterbury on the way to stay in League 2

With two games to go in National League 2, Canterbury RFC pretty much secured their place in the league after a cruising victory against Newbury 81-5 on the weekend. A situation that No.8 Wim Baars is “happy and relieved about.”

“Coming off with the win was really good especially against Newbury. They beat us earlier in the season where they shouldn’t have.

“Everyone at the club is feeling pretty good. We are still a bit apprehensive about what the next results could bring but everyone is pretty positive and fired up.

“We are looking to go forward this weekend, go away and get another win hopefully,” said the 26-year-old.

Canterbury need only two points from their last to games. This situation was far from certain when between November and March they lost 13 games in a row to put themselves in the relegation battle. They since found form again and won three of their last five games.

“Those 13 games were a pretty miserable period. We needed one win to get the ball rolling and we got it against Lyney. After so many narrow losses, it finally put us over the edge.

“A new coach came in to hep us especially the forwards and he has had a positive influence in our attitude towards playing,” he added.

It seems that Canterbury avoided relegation this season but the New Zealand born No.8 know what the team needs to improve on not to be in the same position next year.

“We need to build a team spirit. I personally feel that there are a lot of mixed signals. The forwards are doing one thing, the backs are doing another and in the end we are not doing the sae things at the same time.

“I think as long as we focus on working and playing as team we can beat anyone,” Baars said.

On a personal point of view, it has also been a mixed season for the big No.8.

“I am not 100% happy about my season mainly because of the shoulder injury that I played through. I thought my start of the season was really good and now my shoulder if feeling better I have started played a lot better and a lot happier,” he concluded.

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